Wednesday 7 July 2010

Long time no...Blog.

Hey bloggers (still sounds gay). Well its been a while. Its been emotional. Its been due to the fact that i think ive only been sober for about a day since i last blogged. Well what a few weeks its been. In order i've had : Results day, Results Party, HORRIFIC hangover, Lots more drinking and debauchery, Grad Ball, Nudity at the beach (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) and finally Graduation, which consisted of a lot more drinking and another Horrific hangover. although not quite HORRIFIC but still up there, hence the use of the same word but in lower case.

So yeah, Results day. well i went and got my results from uni which was fairly standard and then started drinking the Champagne. A lot of it. i think i had about 5 glasses in the space of an hour, which although impressive, is foolish when you have an empty stomach. It was quite nice actually, speeches from tutors, pictures, memories, Nibbles etc. It is at this point that i will explain my love for nibbles. A party is not a party unless there are nibbles involved. Forget that, a place is not a PLACE unless there are nibbles involved. Anywhere i go i always consider my stomach and if there is food at this place then it is a good place. I think i could be in a shack in a bog in north lithuania with nothing but a sock puppet for company, yet be happy if there were some paper plates with maybe a wee pork pie or a cocktail sausage, or even better, Cheese and pineapple on a stick. Crisps i dont care for much, you can buy them in a packet, they are not classed as nibbles, but small savoury goods on paper plates. They are nibbles. so yeah all was good at Results day due to nibbles and champagne. After the nibbles and champagne i made the mistake and Gross miscalculation of buying a box of 15 Carlsbergs. Now the miscalculation wasnt whether i could drink that amount or not, the miscalculation was whether it was a good idea or not. it turns out that it wasnt. Halfway throught the night after i had drunk 8 of these cans, me and my girlfriend went to a gig. a great gig by the way, i would post a link of the band but i cant remember how to spell it. I'll do it later. anyway, great gig, yet 4 more pints of Lager. After the gig we walked back to the party and by this point i was feeling slightly brazen and brash and im pretty sure there was a rendition of some song going down, or i shouted something at someone on the way back. Either way i was drunk.
Regardless i carried on drinking the remaining 7 cans at the party and 2 cans of cider that i my...hand...and then, THEN my friends was i pissed. i had gone past the sweet hazy meadows of drunk into the spiky swirling chasm of the pissed. I had to be carried home by my girlfriend who is quite a bit smaller than i am and who was also pretty pissed, where i proceeded to be very sick in her toilet. Not very attractive or pleasant i assure you. Yet i was well looked after and had a bed for the night. and the whole next day as i literally found it difficult to blink without feeling like i was going to die. So that was Results night. It made me consider drinking less. As a rule. but i decided later that that was a silly idea.

I have also decided that I am going to blog about the Grad Ball tomorrow BECAUSE the crickets about to start. check out the new underused word of the day and USE IT.

use it until it bleeds.

Thats horrible.

But i thought it. so its going in. 

oh my what a vile person i am.

i thought id been alright yknow? talking about academia and nibbles. How oh how did it come to vomit and Bleeding Words? Im going. before i disgrace myself or my parents any further. 

Have a good Evening and enjoy whatever you may be doing, whether its Doing a Jig or Manipulating a Pine Marten. 


1 comment:

  1. david you've outdone yourself again, I especially liked the reference to nakedness (i know who they are too), lithuania and as always the under used word of the day, im off to skitter xx
